The stomach is a problem area of losing weight or wishing to lose weight people. Fortunately to remove belly fat is not difficult with diet and complex of simple exercises. You can endlessly do the twisting, rock press, but without weight loss diet your abdomen and back to lose weight fail. Proper nutrition is a huge plus to achieve the result.

Any exercise should begin with five minute warm-up. It can be rope, Hoop, running, and squats in place, bends to the sides and so on. A good thing to warm up your muscles and joints, get your blood flowing and prepare mentally for the upcoming exercise.
Then move on to simple exercises, slimming belly at home. The first few weeks try not to change the order of exercises and perform all strictly according to instructions. If you are unable to make the required number of repetitions, do not worry. After two or three training you will master them.
Exercise 1: alternate leg lifts.
Lie on the floor, having spread a rug or carpet. The legs lift up, as shown in the pictures. Then lower your left leg, without touching at the bottom point of the floor and lift it to its original position. Then do the same with the right leg and so on. Keep exercise slimming stomach within 45 seconds.
Training area: the top and bottom of the abdomen.
Exercise 2: twisting lying on the floor.
Take position 1, as shown in the above figure, hands behind head, legs bend at the knees. Then start twisting alternately in the right and left side. At the top exercises should touch the palm the back of the thigh. Done 20 times in each direction.
Activity 3: continue to burn the sides.
The following exercises for weight loss laterally very efficiently and despite the apparent complexity of its execution, easily performed at home.
Take the first posture, the right hand bend at the elbow and stick to the right side. This exercise requires the utmost concentration and tension of the abdominal muscles and sides. After the adoption of the correct positioning start movement waist up and down, trying not to subside the abdomen in the lower part. After 20 repetitions, turn around and do the same.
Exercise 4: rotations aside.

It looks like a classic drill press at home, but complicated with twists at the top of the repetition and stillness of the body. Well involve the upper abdomen and oblique muscles — i.e. those most unfortunate side. The effort required to hold the trunk in position at an angle of 45 degrees, to provide additional static load.
Take its original position, hands in front of you as shown in the figure. Then start to turn your body to one side, holding at the same angle to the horizon: for 25 repetitions in each direction.
Exercise 5: download press with feet elevated.
Here we will practice the bottom and top of the abdomen, with the subsequent destruction of fat and losing weight. Quite effective exercise, performed in a stripped-down trajectory.
So, lifting her legs up will take position 1. Hands pulling in front of him and try 30 times to touch his toes as shown in the figure. Everything is quite simple.
Exercise 6: alternate leg lifts.
Again, there is nothing complicated in terms of execution, but the first time the right amount of repetition will, unfortunately, not all. Make sure that the torso and legs are in one line and don't let the butt SAG and touch the floor.
Exercise 7: the rise of the torso and legs.
This is the most difficult but also the most effective exercise for weight loss belly and sides. You can perform two types: lying on the floor, as shown in the pictures or sitting on the bench. We consider the option that you can perform at home, because the shop is not at all.
Take a seat on the floor as shown in the pictures. Do not help with your hands while driving, they should only help keep the balance. In the bottom position keep your feet on the weight, the heels not touching the floor.
For those women who want to achieve the most rapid weight loss suggest to reinforce each training session as follows:
- turn on your favorite music, the songs go one after another without interruption;
- get on the floor with your feet at shoulder width, hands grasp the belt (to make the letter f);
- begin vigorous alternately tilts to the left and the right within one song;
- then, without a break to rest, pressed fists to the chin and carried out by the rotational motion of the torso to the right and to the left, just until the end of the song;
- this is a very effective exercise for weight loss the sides, you can take twenty minutes or more after class and 45 minutes separately.

These simple movements can be performed after every workout and every other day, at least 7 times a week. The basic exercises are advised to perform through the day.
We examined the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and ears on the waist, which can be supplemented by you in the process of learning and gaining experience.
Compilation of videos of exercises
In addition to our system of exercises, there are a huge number of video trainings. I picked up the most optimal and efficient.
The first video covers in great detail our problem, leading professional fitness instructor and knows his business. To some it may seem that she has a wide waist, but believe me, this is one performing completely different exercises.
The second video is less detailed, but will also be very useful if you decide to do it at home. Girl has good figure and clearly explains everything.
To amplify results
Home exercises for slimming the abdomen and back in conjunction with diets give good results in short terms. However, there are some nuances that can enhance the effect of the sports and reduce the time to obtain results.
- the best time for cardio workouts in the morning before Breakfast. For movements needs energy, which is usually taken from the daily menu. In the morning the stomach is empty and our body directly consumes the fat from the sides and abdomen;
- exercise for weight loss belly should be intense, with increased heart rate. The pulse is an indirect indicator of intensity. So for example, for women aged 30 years and of heart rate at rest 65 beats per minute, the optimal heart rate for weight loss is 109 beats per minute, or 18 per 10 seconds. To calculate your optimal heart rate value you can use online calculator;
- to lose weight need to sweat. If you're not sweating, then not just modify and perform exercises not intense sense from it will not;
- exercises for slimming the abdomen should be done on an empty stomach and not to drink the water. Power or cardio training is usually accompanied by consumption of large quantities of water, but not in this case. Water will be unpleasant gurgle in my stomach, distracting and not allowing them to play full.
- skip dinner if doing tonight. After physical activity, metabolic rate accelerates to an unprecedented level, and in this furnace burns all that falls in the stomach. But if the stomach is empty, consumed subcutaneous fat.

Exercise for weight loss belly and sides
- Classic and proven sit UPS. Starting position – stand with your back straight and lock hands on his belt. Feet are shoulder width apart. You need to Crouch and extend your hands after you return to the starting position. Follow right breathing, on the inhale, squat, exhale – lift. The number of repetitions is 15.
- Twisting. Starting position – lie on the floor so that the lower back was tightly pressed to him. Legs bend at the knees and put your hands behind your head so that the elbows were arranged in different directions. Need, when you inhale off the floor head and shoulder, exposing chin up, as if trying to get them a ceiling surface. Upon reaching the highest point as much as possible to stretch the waist area, and 5 seconds to stop. After the exhale, and return to the starting position. Need to perform 12 reps. With this exercise is good to train the abdominal rectus muscles.
- Letter feet in the air. Initial position – to sit on the floor and make the focus on the hands that laid back. Need to raise legs joined together and unscrambling them, to draw in the air the numbers from 0 to 9. You should breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat 3 times, resting between each for 30 seconds.
- A tuk-tuk. Starting position – lie down on a hard surface, the pulling of legs and arms. To raise the feet above the floor to a height of 30 centimeters in the air and lightly hit 3-5 feet of each other. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 9 times.
- Bike. Starting position – lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head, clasping their castle. You want to raise the legs at an angle of 30 degrees, and you can start to twist the so-called imaginary pedal. One approach lasts a minute. You need to perform a few repetitions, with breaks of 2 minutes between them.
- Exercise performed with the help of pillows. Starting position – lying on back hands to pull up. You need to pinch the foot between the cushion and with it drawing in the air circles, starting small and gradually reaching the large. In the initial position to go in reverse order, from big circles to small. You must draw at least 30 laps.
- UPS. Starting position – lying on the floor put your hands behind your head, elbows at the same time look in different directions, and bend legs at the knees. Inhaling, raise the pelvis until a straight line with the knees. At the maximum height to stand still for a few seconds and stretch all the muscles. After, exhale and slowly return to the starting position. To run repeated 3 times.
- The light of the candle. Starting position – lying on your back, extend hands along a trunk. Need to put my feet to the floor they were perpendicular, and cross them in the air. Support should be on hand. After three crossings to hold your breath while holding legs outstretched. Then return to the starting position, first dropping the pelvis and then legs. The breathing should be correct on the leg lift, and exhale return to starting position. For beginners exercise very difficult, that is, 5 repetitions, increasing the level of training you can increase this number to 15.
- Roly-poly. Starting position – lie on your back and place arms along the body. Need lying position to turn into sedentary, slowly leaning forward to the moment when his fingers touches the stop. In the same way, slowly, to return to the starting position. Legs and shoulders during the entire run are straight. The breath is repeated from the previous exercise is to rise on inhale and fall on exhale. News — Exercise For Weight Loss Belly Photo
- Mermaid. Starting position – lie on your back, from behind his head in his hands, and bent at the knees legs. You need the right foot to throw through the left, and slightly raising the torso, rotate it to the right. For 5 seconds to stretch the body and hold your breath. Then return to the starting position, and after 7 iterations to perform the same exercise on the other side.
- Gymnastic Hoop. For lessons can be purchased as a regular metal Hoop and a hula-Hoop, with various attachments and more weight. The weight of the Hoop should be around 1-2 kg. If it is less, then the effect will not appear, and if heavier then accompany classes will be bruises and contusions on the sides. After you purchase the Hoop you can begin to twist, to start clockwise and then against. Here there is complete freedom of choice – the feet can be together or apart. Exercise with the Hoop will help to forget about such troubles as sagging skin stretch marks and even cellulite. Plus will increase flexibility and agility, improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
- The simple exercise of discharge of static, but no less effective. Starting position – any. Exercises you can perform even while sitting at work. Required during inspiration to stretch all the muscles and stomach, pausing in this position for 10 seconds. After exhale and relax. After rest 30 seconds repeat 10 times.
- Exercise, cleaning all the excess from the lower part of the abdomen. Starting position – lie on your back with outstretched legs and keep your heels, head, shoulders and loins were pressed firmly against the floor and hands linked behind his head. It is necessary to raise the left leg to form a 90 degree angle, stretch the lower muscles of the abdomen and attach to the left right leg. Freeze for a few seconds, and slowly return to the starting position, lowering first the left and then the right leg. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Currently, the network is more than enough videobook with training to burn fat in the abdomen. You can safely engage on them.
Always have to remember that before the set of exercises for weight loss belly, always held a warm-up to warm up muscles, if the exercise is separate and not included in the total complex. When performing the same General class, warm-up is carried out in the beginning, and there is no need for her conduct before classes for belly.
After mastering the above exercises that you can perform at home without spending time and money on gyms, just a few weeks will notice the first results, which are expressed in volume reduction of the waist, more toned muscles and skin, improved health and mood.
Enjoy every day and give others a radiant smile and a wonderful mood!